Jay Boisseau, Ph.D.

AI & HPC Technology Strategist, Dell EMC

Jay Boisseau, Ph.D.

AI & HPC Technology Strategist, Dell EMC


Jay Boisseau is an experienced, recognized leader and strategist in advanced computing technologies, with over 20 years of experience in building and leading computing programs, departments, and organizations. Jay has been working with Dell EMC since 2014, and now serves as the AI & HPC Technology Strategist. In this role, Jay evaluates new technologies and approaches for machine/deep learning and for HPC, assesses customers’ workloads needs and plans, and helps design new solutions to increase customers’ innovation, productivity, and efficiency. Before coming to Dell EMC, Jay created the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin and led it (2001-14) to world prominence. Under Jay’s leadership, TACC deployed numerous world-class computing systems for U.S. open scientific research and developed new programs to enable thousands of researchers to accomplish more with these powerful technologies. Prior to TACC, Jay worked as an associate director at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (1996-2001) and at the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (1994-96). Jay received his doctorate in astronomy from UT Austin for his advanced computational research in modeling the structure supernovae explosions.

All session by Jay Boisseau, Ph.D.